12.29.2018 – Tom Scioli’s vision of Go-Bots gives a fresh perspective of the characters that was popularized in the Hanna-Barbera produced animated series.
Most of the toys by Tonka were largely popular not due to the cartoons. But being affordable than the more popular Transformers brand by Hasbro and how they marketed the property. The Go-Bots became relevant again due to the cult following as a ‘poor man’s Transformers’ and the in-joke that followed. The toys only got support from the Saturday Morning cartoon series, but there were no other media aside from storybooks and no comicbook series produced around the property’s popularity. But with Tom Scioli’s capable hands being the artist behind Transformers VS G.I.Joe takes the veritable Go-Bots property and gives older fans and new readers a new look at the iconic characters that once rivaled the Transformers brand. With that, the Go-Bots has enough room to give long-time fans their origins to be told in this limited series that is getting some interesting fan reactions. |
The immediate synopsis takes you to this world were Go-Bots and humans live in harmony a science fiction worth of interest to give you an idea what Scioli has in mind when it is about these Machine Robo that started from being human partners.
Its narrative is predicted by how this series would play o0utm but none of this was really unexpected when you’ve known these robots are from the alien planet known as Gobotron. But in the world of IDW, they are machines created by man to work with their human partners, well with the unfortunate of Cy-Kill going mad and started to realize to become an independent thinking machine.
Sounds like taking inspiration from a certain Decepticon Leader when he started in these gladiatorial matches. Pretty much sums up where the motorcycle Renegade is heading with the realization of taking over the human race and enslaving humanity was one of Cy-Kill’s motivation to start an uprising with breaking some rules and a lot of human casualty is where he started to pile up a trail of human bodies along the way.
But of course those who Machine Robo that still work with their human partners won’t allow that to happen with Leader-1 leading the ways of being a Guardian, which is not your dad’s ‘Challenge of the Go-Bots’ where there’s a lot of carnage and robot violence that you don’t see their ‘fleshy’ parts showing.
Tom Scioli as writer/artist gives a new perspective with his treatment with Go-Bots as the current Transformers storyline winds down this series take a hardcore way of telling its origin that in no way connected to the classic cartoon series. It is impressively good timing to see the present narrative of how this begins for those who have grown up owning a bunch of Go-Bots toys.
Overall Scioli kicks-off a new limited series after his success with Transformers VS G.I.Joe that is entirely told from his perspective, which is quite a province from the usual narratives that everyone have come to have known these Go-Bots. Surely, there’s something worth looking forward to in the upcoming issue and if you have just found out about this series try catching up with your local retailer.
NEXT: Go-Bots #2
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