Presenting the Transformers Year of the Snake Platinum Edition Omega Supreme.
When news of the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme started filling the internet I originally balked at the idea of having to pay over US$ 120 for a repaint of the Energon Omega Supreme (That I already had) - even if it did come with a new arm and a new head. So I passed when it hit the market
But when I saw it in Toys R'Us I just had to have it and I started rationalizing that it was technically not the same collectible, but a brand new collectible and a fine rendition of one of the most iconic Transformers characters to ever be made.
So I spent over US$ 120 to but him, and here he is in all his glory.
The Transformers Platinum Edition Year of the Snake Omega Supreme comes in this most glorious looking Red and Gold (Special color, very expensive) hard case with velcro locks in celebration of the start of Chinese New Year - though personally I do not understand what Omega Supreme has to do with the Year of the Snake or why he was chosen for this esteemed honor

It lists Omega Supreme's statistics as
- Strength - 10
- Intelligence - 8 - not bad. I'd always assumed that he was more... mentally challenged.
- Speed - 6 - Also assumed that he'd be slower
- Endurance - 6 - Surprising. But then he does use a lot of energy just to move.
- Rank - 4 - You'd think that a walking giant would get more respect
- Courage - 10 - Hard to be scared when you're that big.
- Fireblast - 9 - Again a surprise considering he's a "conduit for the very energy of the machine world"
- Skill - 9

At this point we should probably point out that this particular rendition of Omega Supreme is NOT the one from the War or Fall of Cybertron. It's still the design from the Transformers Energon cartoon.
What's to like about the Year of the Snake Platinum Edition Omega Supreme?
Gotta love than new paint-job. It no longer has the "Bio-Man" clashing colors of the Energon Omega Supreme.
As you can see Hasbro tried to stay true to the gold and red motif popularly used during the Chinese New Year - though duller and more yellow than gold - and threw in a lot of light-gunship-gray (That matches the G1 Omega Supreme Colors) so that at least the colors between the two are uniform unlike, again, the colors of the Energon Omega Supreme.
Unfortunately the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme does not keep the red or gold of the G1 Omega Supreme.
Next up is that beautiful claw that surrounds his main-laser weapon. The actual claw spins around just like it should when Omega Supreme charges his main-weapon and each individual claw can be re-positioned to open and close the entire claw

Gotta love than new paint-job. It no longer has the "Bio-Man" clashing colors of the Energon Omega Supreme.
As you can see Hasbro tried to stay true to the gold and red motif popularly used during the Chinese New Year - though duller and more yellow than gold - and threw in a lot of light-gunship-gray (That matches the G1 Omega Supreme Colors) so that at least the colors between the two are uniform unlike, again, the colors of the Energon Omega Supreme.
Unfortunately the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme does not keep the red or gold of the G1 Omega Supreme.
Next up is that beautiful claw that surrounds his main-laser weapon. The actual claw spins around just like it should when Omega Supreme charges his main-weapon and each individual claw can be re-positioned to open and close the entire claw
Now throw in the main weapon on his right arm, raise the cannons on his torso, knees and shoulders and you have an Alpha Strike capable Omega Supreme - Check out the excellent articulation by the way! He can kneel!

Speaking of Alpha Strikes, the Platinum Edition Omega Supreme has a built in head that is closer in appearance to the G1 Omega Supreme - which includes a single cannon built into the back of his head. I don't quite know where I first saw it, but I do remember a cartoon episode which had Omega Supreme firing everything he had, then he - at the last minute - turned his head and fired that tiny cannon forward as well.
The mobile Artillery cannon:

The false package advertising. The box of the Year of the Snake Platinum Edition Omega Supreme shows a retooled photo of the Energon Omega Supreme - they couldn't be bothered to change it.... actually come to think of it, that's not even much of a retooled image given the mismatched gray color. You can tell that it's the Energon Omega Supreme thanks to the two horns jutting out from behind the image's head.
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Actual "Lunging Arm" |
And it gets worse. Flip the box and look at the back and it says that the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme comes with a "Lunging Grip." It does not. The Energon Omega Supreme does because of it's crane arm. The Year of the Snake Omega Supreme does not because the crane arm is replaced with his main cannon instead.

Because despite what the instruction manual says, because the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme's head doesn't detatch!
You can fold it in - as you should when you transform him, but it doesn't flush 100% Hence, you cannot attach the shoulder drone with the head there.
Further, because the new arm is sooo big, the right-arm drone's attachment is askew
At best, this is what you will end up with:
Omega Prime looks like crap anyway.
So who would win in a battle between the Year of the Snake Omega Supreme and the Energon Omega Supreme?
Between the two "cranes" of course the one with the huge cannon will win:
Between the two Space Battleships. I think the advantage goes to the Energon Omega Supreme because the real "Omega Supreme" in the Energon line is this tiny little drone that becomes a command center on the Space Battle Ship:
But between the two Omega Supremes?

Advantage: Energon Omega Supreme with its "lunging" arm.
Now let's assume that the "Lunging" Arm is ALSO not brought into play, the advantage still goes to the Energon Omega Supreme, because of the fact that the Energon Omega Supreme can actually operate without it's head. It's two robots - a big giant and a minicon:

Which will allow the Energon Omega Supreme to do this:
It's always the little guys :)
As mentioned, the Transformers Year of the Snake Platinum Edition Omega Supreme was purchased from Toys R'Us in Galleria here in the Philippines for PhP 4,999.75 (Roughly US$ 121.95). He's available on Amazon for US$ 99.99 (Roughly PhP 4,099 plus a TON of shipping as he's heavy).
I think he's worth it.
For the full review and gallery, do visit Darklorddungeon.blogspot.com.
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