Saturday, January 12, 2019

Go-Bots #2 | Leader by One

01.12.2019 – Tom Scioli’s take on the classic Go-Bots is not the one you saw in Hanna-Barbera’s cartoons, but something dark and sinister like any science fiction tropes an inspiration from what has come before when you talk about the narrative elements of this miniseries. Previously in the first issue gives you a fresh take of classic cartoon series based from the toys imported by Tonka.

The Go-Bots rise from being the human’s tool has taken its toll taking violent actions led by Cy-Kill, a gladiator bot hell bent in leading his compatriots to his vision of taking over planet Earth after having found independence. In this second issue the violence has been intensified to a civil conflict with the human beings. But this is only a tip of the iceberg as remaining Go-Bots still want to protect their human partners from the sheer violence that Cy-Kill is bringing to the human race.

Unlike in the original cartoon the Go-Bots depicted here are violent machines using their bare hands without energy beams firing from their fists. But a barbaric action over their own kind that ensured a vicious war that Cy-Kill is pursuing to be the top bot on the Go-Bot food chain. Of course, Scooter and Turbo with their human companions Matt Hunter and A.J. Foster are in the center of this conflict that most Go-Bots are starting believe in what Cy-Kill has to say that revolted with an uprising.

The tale of this magnitude reflects society in real life and it happens here how unexpected accident that killed Screwhead’s master opened his eyes that Cy-Kill wants to ‘return the favor’ to humanity in realizing how slavery to their kind resulted in this rebellion terrorize a nearby town, burning stores, trashing the local power plant, and crushing humans for the fun of it.

This comicbook is not just about the Go-Bots and their immediate conflict of two factions there are also Easter eggs paying tribute to the brand that was once a competitor to Hasbro’s Transformers. In a tongue and cheek naming of one facility is the “Tonka Building” that is oblivious to the toy brand that imported the Machine Robo toys by Bandai and rebranding it into Go-Bots by Tonka, that is presently owned by Hasbro. In the last issue the thought dead Leader-1 was about to become recycled parts, but turns out the mighty Go-Bot escaped death and put his captors in the trash compactor as he speeds off to look for the uprising Renegades.

Intense action builds up as you flip the pages on all the chaos that has ensued and it’s not about a G-Chip malfunction but the Go-Bots has gained independent sentience backed by Cy-Kills influence to take over the humans with his Renegade army. But that wasn’t meant to be as Leader-1 was there to take on the Renegades and their nefarious leader. Even as both factions face-off the humans armed with their outdated weapons are no match for these machines.

The violence was turned up to eleven as both leaders battle it out, but within that conflict is the politics and how will this turn out in the end. After defeating Cy-Kill, Leader-1 was left in question what to do now? But knowing that his next words will change the course of human history...

Scioli has done a great job in putting together this book and it gets intense how barbaric and violent this series was in comparison how the cartoon was not as superb in competing with Transformers and the story is not over as the next one will be something to look forward to its release.

NEXT: Go-Bots #3

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